February 05, 2011

Tsunami sings !!

This post is about a mischievous little guy ... Johnny . For those who have not met  this little tsunami...He is ... was and will be found everywhere around  ..climbing on, swinging from, running around or jumping to. He is an Angel , always with dirt on his face ...And however hard I try to wash and relieve him of all obvious confections , he tends to be sticky, always !! 
He is a beauty , always with a cut on his finger. He is the core of wisdom .. poor me !! ...always fighting to get the bubble gum stuck on his hair. He can transform into anything... from plumber to mason ...found always with a hammer or a spanner in his pocket .He is always around ...helping me ..pulling out my anthuriums .. overwhelmed by this sudden non-stop desire to go digging for hidden treasure .Such a lovely doll who would easily turn two people into complete idiots. He is a magical creature ...The lazy blogger "Little Rumble " who takes pleasure in bragging about his blog which he never ever updated since the day he started  blogging !! 
And like Alan Beck says....I can easily lock him out of my kitchen, but never out of my heart. ...He is a fun-loving, naughty, cat-chasing bundle of noise. But even when I come back home with a heavy heart, he can mend it magically with his smile and his big bear hug ! That's my Johnny..The adorable singer who could sing even before he could talk !!

And guys..Here is a song he sang from Rihanna..which I uploaded on youtube a year back ..Hope you guys enjoy it !!

February 02, 2011

First impression is in the eyes of the beholder !!

Something that has always fascinated me is the quote "  "First impression is the best" coz I keep wondering as to which part of that "debut performance" really counts !! If it is just "looks" that are judged first, I am unsure as to how the blind judge us ? Could be with our sounds and intonations ? If so , what impression would you make to the deaf ? Just curious !!

 If ..according to physics "light travels faster than sound" , then our first impressions should be linked to sight and not speech ? Well.. that's what I ve felt .And maybe that is why we feel some people are bright until we hear them speak !! 
 I also believe that, people who are unable to do speak their mind ,could possibly have nothing in their mind to begin with. Well, I've felt the same with people who do not listen. I am sure no one will be able to speak when he doesn’t listen what he hears.
Judging people from first impressions is quite simple. Like for instance, imagine you have just met a person and someone asks you , what you think of that person .Well..he can force a story out of you, and I am sure you’d succeed in telling a beautiful one, despite it being entirely out of guesswork. So from all this, let me conclude ....
 Though, in one way, it is not wrong to pass judgment from first impressions.... it still is wrong in another way...cos it doesn't really work that way. In fact, you really cant do it !! Cos what we see, is only our imagination. And so let me conclude that "First impression- is in the eyes of the beholder". Hope you guys agree!!