October 28, 2010

The more people I meet...The more I respect Dogs!!

One of my favorite hobbies is observing people. When I attend parties, the funniest thing I notice is how people behave. The animated gossip of women...the obnoxious backbites...the crazy arguments men have …and how violent they get about it…But the more people I come across in life…the more I seem to respect dogs…because…they seem to deserve more respect than human beings in many ways…

Dogs are forms of unconditional love. They live for their master and are extremely loyal and truthful about it. unlike us humans, forgive and forget bad stuff. They don’t complain and silently bear with us. They'll never forsake their friends. They love you so much that they would follow you to the worlds end .
Dogs are never ashamed to own up their friends however filthy they look. They don’t argue on trivial nonsense or behave like obnoxious know-it-alls. They never give ludicrous excuses and absurd rationalizations for being rude...They don’t make sarcastic remarks and don’t take advantage of friendship .
Dogs miss you so much when you are not there. And dogs never laugh at you when you go wrong. They don’t expect you to wait on them. They are not egoistic. They dont look down upon your intelligence. Dogs don’t kill people emotionally…..

Dogs don’t mind if you take the lead. Dogs understand your instincts . Dogs don’t want to know your history or how rich you are. Dogs are not ashamed to admit when they are lost. Dogs don’t complain.

Dogs are real good friends ....and they'll never want to say... this was'nt friendship...nor was it love , I was just infatuated.. They know only to love, love, and love more…If only a dog could talk…

Dedicated to Duke, my lovely German Shepherd..... And Rocky the wonderful Alsatian who loved us  all unconditionally.....…



Anonymous said...

That was a funny way of expressing your love for dogs .Or did you really think dogs are better than us ?

Butterfly Traveller said...

Tks ! They are !!